Please read and agree to the following terms of use carefully before using our website services. If you do not agree to all or any part of these terms, please do not continue using this website.
This website provides an online sales service for clothing products.
Members are responsible for setting and securing their account and password. Members are fully responsible for any actions taken with their account. Sharing or transferring accounts and passwords to others is prohibited. If an account is used by someone else, please notify the website immediately.
All content on this website, including but not limited to text, images, videos, designs, trademarks, etc., are the intellectual property of the company or its licensors. Unauthorized copying, distribution, modification, or use in any form is prohibited without written consent.
The product information provided on this website strives for accuracy, but due to factors such as shooting angles and display settings, there may be slight differences between product images and actual items. Please refer to the actual product.
Product prices and stock quantities may vary due to supplier or market factors, and the company reserves the right to make changes at any time.
By placing an order, members agree to the terms of the transaction on this website.
This website offers multiple payment methods. Please choose the method that suits you for payment.
After payment is completed, the company will arrange for shipment as soon as possible.
Products will be shipped to the delivery address provided by you upon confirmation of payment.
Shipping fees and delivery methods are subject to the announcements on this website.
In cases of force majeure or events beyond the company's control, resulting in delays, the company assumes no liability for compensation.
Please refer to the Return and Exchange Policy on this website for detailed regulations.
The company values member privacy and will collect, use, and protect personal data in accordance with the privacy policy.
The website does not guarantee the flawless and uninterrupted service of the website.
The company is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the website.
Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
These terms of use shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China.
In the event of any dispute, both parties should first seek to resolve it amicably. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Taipei District Court in Taiwan shall have jurisdiction.
The company reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. The updated terms will take effect once announced on this website.